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“When God Calls”

Book cover for When God Calls by Fred Carson

I just received word that my director of the mission organisation for which I used to work has just published an autobiography about his Christian journey.

When God Calls by Fred Carson is about his life growing up in Princeton, Ontario, the difficulties he faced growing up, and how God healed him and called him to mission work with SOMA Canada. It’s a clear and well-written book that doesn’t hold anything back.

SOMA UK was founded by Michael Harper in 1979, and soon grew to have organisations in many countries. Michael Harper, if you remember, plays a pivotal (off-stage) role in my story “The Dead in Christ”. So everything is related.

You can order a copy of the book here. Enjoy and be blessed!

DT Richards


Voting on the Proposal, Part 2

[This sketch is part of the Three Corners story.]

“I’ll miss this place,” Eunice said, though not with much depth. “But it’s all for the best, for those poor homeless people.”

“Ha ha. Yes, I think you’re right,” Jonson McCraig said.

“What homeless people?” Corbyn McCraig demanded, the Read more…

My First Audio Post!

I’ve started reading my DT Richards stories on Anchor (, which is connected to my WordPress account. You can hear the first episode of “Summer Friends” at .

Give it a listen and let me know your comments!

Thanks and blessings in Christ,

DT Richards

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